Tradr is a cryptocurrency wallet and trading application that enables crypto amateurs find their feet in the market.




10 Weeks

Project Type

UX, UI, Product Design


UX/UI Designer


Crypto trading made easy!

Tradr was created for the Web3 newbies. Those who have been trying to wrap their heads around cryptocurrencies and what’s so great about trading them. The enthusiasts who have tried and failed in the past due to the overwhelming nature of the current crypto applications and its entirely new set of terms and vocabulary. Tradr simplifies and untangles the knot behind crypto trading while maintaining a simplistic and intuitive user interface and experience.


Cryptocurrency newbies are frustrated with the current products that are used to buy and sell cryptocurrencies (trading). While there are multiple apps that claim to solve this problem, none successfully empathise with the new users and, in turn, end up simplifying only a fraction of their apps and having the larger part targeted at the more experienced traders. Thus, beginners quit for lack of understanding and effective navigation of these apps and, overall, abandon ever learning how to trade cryptocurrencies.


Tradr integrates and improves upon the most used features of competitor products to solve user pain points. Simplifying the process of understanding and interpreting complex cryptocurrency terms and navigation while using familiar user actions and methods to do that.

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My Role/Responsibilities

UX research, UI design, brand identity



Giving newcomers a voice

Initial research focused on better understanding user’s needs related to beginning with cryptocurrencies  as well as to what extent these needs affected their interactions when they decided to start at first.

Focus Areas

What products exist to buy and sell cryptocurrencies?


How do users interact with existing products?


What are users current pain points with existing products?


Which features are essential to buy and sell cyrptocurrencies?


A survey was conducted on 20 participants to identify which products new users have interacted with in the past & what features/situations encouraged or discouraged them

User Interviews

A series of in-depth interviews were then conducted on 5 participants to further identify pain points, frustrations, needs, and desires with existing products to determine how tradr. could improve this experience.

Key Takeaways

Most participants quit trying to learn crypto trading after first interactions with top crypto applications.


Users value empathy for their lack of technical know-how when starting out with crypto trading applications.


Major products in the market are tailored to the more experienced cryptocurrency traders.


Cryptocurrency newbies are also drawn back by learning curve of buying and selling crypto


New users tend to feel a sense of scepticism towards cryptocurrencies due to scams and frauds.


Many participants described trying to get a hang of crypto trading as 'overwhelming'

Competitive & Comparative Analysis

Competitive analysis was conducted to identify competitor's strengths and weaknesses to inform tradr's features and information structure.


Users: the center of the dialogue.

After conducting user interviews, all the participants responses were synthesized to identity themes, opportunities, and features that tradr. could focus and improve upon.

User Persona

A persona was built to help drive decision making and keep the product focused on solving users pain points, frustrations, and goals.

User Stories

Following that, user stories were created to put users at the center of the conversation and help define requirements and potential features by focusing on the 'whats' rather than the 'hows.'

User Journey Map

A user journey map was constructed to get insight into how consumers view, find, and experience the product.


To connect the user persona, user stories and the user journey map, storyboards were created that further illustrate the clarity of the ideas.


Focusing on the users

To kick-off the design process, quick sketches helped me get ideas on paper to establish which elements were necessary for each screen. A low fidelity prototype was then created for initial user testing which was later translated into high-fidelity screens for usability testing.

User Flow

The user flow was structured to be simple and easy to navigate right from the homepage.


Through sketching, a multitude of ideas and solutions were tried out to iterate on them before settling on one.

Low-Fidelity Prototypes

Using the feedback and insights gained from research, analysis and sketching, a low-fidelity prototype was created to begin user testing.

Usability Test

A usability study was conducted to determine where improvements could be made and identify new ideas to satisfy user expectations, needs, and desires.

Pain Points from usability test

Tooltips were not placed intuitively enough to their corresponding actions.


Quick-buy wasn't interactive to change coin pairs during purchase.


There were many tooltips for different set of actions that confused users.

New Ideas

Quick onboarding modal that pops up with instructions for first time users.


Possibility of changing buying pairs at different levels of the purchase


Categorisation of tooltips into two different forms and features to convey different kinds of information.


Keep It Simple, Silly!

As a stated principle that people ignore design that ignores people, the UI design reflects the user's desire to have a clutter free, useful look and feel.

Typography & Color


The simplest experience

Tradr makes the process of buying and selling cryptocurrencies easier and accessible to starters. By housing a simple and intuitive user interface, tradr makes it a walkthrough to carry out simple crytpocurrency based transactions, interpret and understand market terminologies and also conveniently gather various coins.


Users land on the homepage after signing in and when opening the app, making searches, crypto-based transactions and get information from tooltips.


After checking an overview of the market, users can choose a trading pair and find out more information about it before choosing to buy quickly or trade.

Quick Buy

Targeted at users who would want to purchase a coin on the go, Quick buy comes to play with instant purchase of cryptocurrency.

Trade- Buy

For making trades and acquiring profit through buying, the simplistic user interface of trade aids alongside with quick tooltips and charts.

Trade- Sell

The buy and sell sections have included various styles of trading to enable users place different kinds of trade while providing necessary information on the differences.


Users can now have a quick overview of their total amount and switch between the real amount and the demo amount for trading.


Settings can always be tweake to enable a cleaner interface and overall experience for the users


Settings can always be tweake to enable a cleaner interface and overall experience for the users

challenges & LEARNINGS

During the course of this project, while being faced with simplifying the overall lifecycle of trading cryptocurrency, we were avoiding an oversimplification that could lead to it being abstract.  As a result, certain trade-offs were made, with the primary goal of determining what was necessary (important) and what wasn't. We interviewed experienced cryptocurrency traders to identify their basic everyday features and how they interacted with them. It was all about determining the need for these features and why they existed while searching for simpler alternatives and processes to achieve comparable results or simply discarding them.

This project exposed me to the seemingly limitless possibilities that can be realized when a solution is centered on the users. Through a focus on empathy and a great deal of understanding of unique user pain points, design came in handy as a problem solving tool, which led to the strategic application of simple and clear solutions to the problem.

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